BADASSES by Ben Thompson

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Most western martial artists are unaware of the BHAGAVAD GITA as a martial arts text/manual/description,etc. and regard it merely as a 'religious' work, a part of the GREAT HINDU RELIGION & SYSTEM OF THOUGHT & YOGA and so concentrate their readings and studies on mostly those texts and manuscripts and writings and books,etc. that come from China, Japan, Korean and a few other places and keep ignoring the ones from India....but hopefully, this will changes as INDIA emerges from being seen as 'a third world nation' and becomes A SUPER POWER.....joining the ranks of CHINA, RUSSIA, and some other nations not far behind as the US continues to lag behind..... One need not be a member of ISKCON to appreciate the publications of the SACRED LITERATURE of INDIA and the colorful artwork that appears in they also contain some things that others might find useful, such as, sanskrit,etc. More on this at another time.

1 comment:

  1. Recently, I have been looking at the various translations of the BHAGAVADGITA and the related works of the RAMAYANA and THE MAHABHARATA all of which are as essential to martial arts and martial arts strategies as those works by SunTsu and China...and also the Warrior Monks of Tibet that have been overlooked due to the concerns over the 'peaceful' DALAI LAMA,etc..... Moreover, a Facebook friend who resides in India has been prompting me to look at materials and translations of the GITA that he recommends as 'authentic' and 'accurate' and so on....In particular I have been looking at the GITA and also other works of Yogananda, one of the earlier and more popular and influential Yogis and writers to come to the US with such things.......As I add these things to my already large and growing library I hope to find time, not only to read them thoroughly, but to comment and discuss themr here....
